Kennet Lundström returns to Boost team

Kennet Lundström returns to Boost Brothers after his study leave. Kennet recently graduated as Master of Science in Economics and Business administration with honors from Hanken School of Economics, majoring in Management and Organization. Kennet received a special mention from his master’s thesis, in which he examined how executive and management characteristics affect the IPO (Initial Public Offering) firms’ under-pricing in Nordic IPOs.

As data he had Nordic IPOs from the year 2009 to 2015. Of his empiric findings, the most noteworthy were the statistically significant findings that Executive Board prestige, Top Management legitimacy and CEO-Founders in high-tech were signals that affected the IPO pricing. The IPO value/price has long been based mostly upon financial key performance indicators. The academic management and entrepreneurship research has awakened to study how managers’ and directors’ characteristics affect the success of the IPO.

“We at Boost Brothers are very excited to get Kennet back to our team. It has been fun to recognize that Kennet and I have gotten similar ideas how to develop the industry and our company during his leave. It’s great to put these ideas into practice,” says Juho-Kusti Kajander, CEO of Boost Brothers.

Kennet believes that the construction industry and more extensively the built environment and real estate sectors are currently undergoing a digital and technological leap to increase productivity. Boost Brothers has been actively involved in bringing newest innovations and technologies into practice. Kennet wants to bring his own valuable contribution to the accelerating development of the construction industry.

”The productivity of the construction industry has lagged behind other industries, but now there are signs of productivity gains. In particular, rapid construction and the use of digital tools will improve construction productivity in the future. Putting these into practice requires not only new perspectives, but also new management and organization methods. I believe that Boost’s strong understanding of the future of construction combined with my studies will bring our clients and our company value.” – Kennet Lundström


For Kennet’s master’s thesis (in Swedish), please visit:

For additional information, please contact:

Juho-Kusti Kajander, +358 40 750 2775

Kennet Lundström, +358 40 662 4971