Boost Brothers responsible for cost and documentation management in the Port Development Programme

The vast development program of the Port of Helsinki is progressing in stages. Boost Brothers has been selected as an expert for the first project to be implemented: The development programme in the West Harbour.

The West Project of the Port Development Programme consists of renovations in the West Harbour and the construction of the harbour tunnel. In the future, the West Harbour will receive the entire traffic of the Tallinn route.

Boost Brothers is involved in the project both as the cost management expert and the documentation management expert.

Boost Brothers chosen as the cost management expert

Boost is responsible for budgeting and cost monitoring of the West Project in cooperation with the Port of Helsinki. In addition, Boost Brothers produces the necessary cost management documents such as budgets and monitoring reports for the needs of the management and administration of the Port of Helsinki.

– To be chosen as the cost management expert is a great demonstration of trust. It’s wonderful to be involved in taking the financial management of a large project to a new level as a whole, says Boost Brothers CEO Juho-Kusti Kajander.

Boost Brothers responsible for the project documentation management

As the documentation management expert, Boost manages and coordinates the preservation of design documentation created in the West Project and its sub-projects.

Boost’s task is to ensure that all the documentation needed in the project is stored in the project banks and is available to the project parties. Boost is also responsible for the approval practices of plans and the management of access rights for project banks.

– High-quality and systematic documentation management is one of the success factors of the West Project. We have extensive experience in the development of documentation management and the utilization of versatile document management systems in both demanding construction projects and real estate management. It is a great honor to be able to work in an even broader role in the West Project, which is very significant for the whole of Finland, comments Boost Brothers CEO Kajander.

The development program is implemented step by step in a controlled manner

The goal of the development of the West Project is to renew port operations, enable urban development in the center of Helsinki, and improve traffic flow in Western Helsinki and the city center.

The port development program is a long-term plan approved by the Helsinki city government. It is designed to be implemented in the 2020s and 2030s, part by part.

After the completion of the West Harbour, the development of Katajanokka will begin, followed by the changes of the South Harbour.

Among the sub-projects of the development program, the harbour tunnel and the reorganization of the wharf and field areas are part of the EU-funded TWINPORT V project.

More information about the development program and the West Project on the website of the Port of Helsinki.